Enter the following information from your notice. You will need to enter either the Document Locator (DLN)/File Number or the Social Security Number/Business Identification Number.
Enter your Business Name exactly as it appears on your notice.
Enter your First Name and Last Name exactly as they appear on your notice.
The Document Locator/Reference Number (DLN) appears on most notices. It is a 9 to 11 digit number that generally begins with a 0 or 1. If your notice has a DLN number, enter it here. Otherwise, leave this box empty.
The File Number appears on the upper right-right hand portion of your notice. Enter the entire File Number, not including any dashes.
Enter the 9-digit Social Security Number or 12-digit Business (Taxpayer) Identification Number that appears on your notice or tax return/application.
Enter a 9-digit or 12-digit Unitary ID Number that starts with NU
Enter PO Box included in the return address section of the tax notice being responded to.
The VIN appears on the upper right-right hand portion of your notice. Enter the entire VIN, not including any dashes.
The Notice Code can be found in the reply address section of your notice. It is a series of letters and/or numbers such as NEB, CJW, W2 or CBT100D.
Enter the Tax Year or 4-digit year of the Return Period which appears on your notice. Ex. 12/15 = 2015. If more than one Tax Year or Return Period appears on your notice, enter the most recent year.