New Jersey Fingerprint-Based Personal Record Request Criminal History Record Check

Service Information

Effective July 1, 2021, applicants that have scheduled an appointment with IdentoGO from this date forward will have the ability to download their Personal Record Request letter. Please allow 2 business days from the date fingerprinted to access the Personal Records Request letter.

Personal Records Request letter is available from the website only if no record is found. However, if a criminal record is found, the information is mailed and is not available through this service. Please allow up to 14 business days to receive this mail from the date fingerprinted.

Please note that Personal Records Request for Notarized letter are NOT handled by this service.

The Personal Records Request letter is available for download for 90-days from the date fingerprinted. IdentoGO PCN/TCN, Applicant Last Name and Date of Birth as entered on the IdentoGO form are required for authentication before the letter can be downloaded. Click on the Continue button to get authenticated.